Refugee Sewing Group Celebrates 15 years of operation

Fifteen years ago this month as the result of an enquiry to Diversitat by the Mission Outreach Ministry Team as to how St Luke’s could support newly arrived refugees in Geelong the request came back as to ‘would it be possible to teach some of the newcomers’ mainly from South Sudan and Liberia at that time ‘to use Sewing machines’.

Some of the ladies of the Church agreed that they would be willing to teach the newcomers, and with the support of Geelong Lions and Highton Rotary as well as some generous donations of material a group commenced in October 2005.

The first group commenced in the Fellowship Room with some donated Sewing machines which were stored on the Hall Stage until we were able to purchase a set of eight machines.  Subsequently with the refurbishment of the Chapel the Sewing Group moved there. Overlockers, sewing machines and material are continuously donated for the ladies.

Since that time one hundred and ten ladies have participated in the group, thirty five ladies led by Val England have tutored and six people have driven the bus to transport the ladies to sewing.

Whilst the Sewing has assisted many of the ladies to develop skills and make garments for their family members the greatest aspect has been the interaction between the tutors and the participants and between the participants with some enduring friendships developing.

The underlying message is that the opportunity for Ministry often occurs in unexpected places, all we need to do is listen carefully and find ways to respond.