Precautions for COVID19 at St Luke’s Uniting Church

Church Council Executive met on Wednesday, and has considered how St Luke’s should manage the impacts of the COVID19 virus on our community.

We are sure you have seen in the news, that the situation is changing daily. The government is setting rules to mimimise the spread of the virus, and ensure the health system can focus on helping those most in need.. One of those rules that may be used is called “social distancing”, which involves the cancellation of large gatherings of people and the likely closure of schools and workplaces.

Until we receive further advice, normal activities of St Luke’s will continue, but we’ll apply these basic precautions from the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services to limit the chance of infection:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and running water, for at least 20 seconds.
  • Dry with paper towel or hand dryer.
  • Try not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, then put the tissue in a bin. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow.
  • Stay at home if you feel sick. If you take medication, now would be a good time to check you have adequate supplies.
  • Don’t wear a face mask if you are well.
  • Buy an alcohol-based hand sanitiser with over 60 per cent alcohol.
  • Shaking hands is optional (some people have taken to patting on the shoulder)!

For the normal activities that are part of our faith community life, we will take the following precautions:

  • Avoiding hand contact – no handshaking at the door or during the passing of the peace
  • Communion will be served in a way that restricts the number of people handling the elements.
  • Hand sanitiser (while we can source it) will be made available in the foyer for use on arrival and as needed.
  • Handwashing facilities upstairs and downstairs will be stocked with soap and paper towel as usual
  • Video recordings of key parts of our worship services (e.g. readings, prayer and the sermon) will be posted to the church’s Youtube channel:, along with other video communications.

Pastoral care and Practical help:

  • Please let us know if you are unwell or if you have a diagnosis of COVID19 – information is treated confidentially – or if you have had to stay at home (self isolate). We will support you as best we can!

Contact  Robyn at the office on 5244 2997

If you are well and able to pick up and deliver supplies among our community members who may have to stay at home, please let Robyn know, as many of our usual helpers are in the high risk age demographic, and more support may be needed in the coming months.

We do want to emphasise that if you are feeling unwell, or simply uncomfortable about attending church activities while we are in this pandemic, we strongly encourage you to stay home, even if you are rostered on for duties. In most cases, someone will be able to step in for you – just call or email to let us know that you are okay.

If you are in isolation for some time, you can keep in touch with the St Luke’s Community via our website and social media channels: – website – Facebook Page – Facebook Group (Private) – Youtube Channel

We offer you this prayer from UCA President Dierdre Palmer:

Gracious and loving God,
Give wisdom and strength to all those in our community and around the world, who are responding to the coronavirus – health professionals, government officials, aged care providers, school leaders.
May those who mourn the loss of loved ones to the virus, be comforted.
May those in our community who are feeling anxious, find peace and reassurance.
May our congregations, and faith communities be places of compassion, attentive to those who are impacted by the coronavirus.
May we be communities of empathy, love and care, in all we face.
Through Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Grace and Peace to you all,

Robyn Hodge
On behalf of St. Luke’s Church Council

And in the meantime, you may wish to take some of Nonna’s advice: